Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Resep CARROT Cake

5 eggs
2 cups sugar (caster sugar)
2 cups flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1 cup oil
3.5 cups shredded carrot
1/2 cup almonds
Raisins (1 small box – 1.5 oz)

1. Preheat the oven to 1800C. Grease a 13x9 inch cake pan (or two 9 inch round pan), dust with flour.
2. In a large bowl, with an electric mixer, beat eggs and sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Sift together the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder and salt.
4. Fold in the flour mixture until just combined.
5. Fold in the carrots, oil, almonds and raisins until combined.
6. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean – about 45 minutes.

Mix together, until smooth:
1 tbsp (20gr) butter
4 oz cream cheese
1 tbsp vanilla
1/8 tsp salt
1 cup icing sugar

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Resep Baked Macaroni
225 gr elbow macaroni
50 gr margarine
2 cloves garlic, minced
100 gr onion, finely chopped
50 gr flour
500 ml milk
Pinch of salt
1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp nutmeg powder
300 gr sausages, mushrooms (chopped), corned beef (totally 300 gr)
5 eggs, lightly beaten
125 gr grated cheddar cheese

1. In a large pot of boiling water, cook the macaroni according of package directions until firm-tender. Drain & transfer to a large bowl. Preheat the oven to 180C

2. Meanwhile, in a large nonstick skillet, heat the margarine over moderate heat. Add the garlic & onion, saute until tender. Add flour & stir until well combined. Gradually add the milk, stirring until combined. Stir in the salt, pepper & nutmeg, stirring until the sauce is lightly thickened, & add sausage, mushroom, corned beef & eggs. Stir until combined. Finally, add the macaroni & mix together.

3. Transfer to a 13x9 inch baking dish, sprinkle with cheddar cheese. And bake for 50 minutes-1 hour or until the color become brown-yellow.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Resep Dasar Putri Salju tanpa Kacang

Sebenarnya putri salju ini adalah adonan sisa dari kastangel kemarin. Kebetulan taburan keju cheddarku habis (efek keju ditaruh kulkas--> dicemil suami. Kalau di rumah ibu, keju blok ini sukanya dikerikiti adik-adikku -__-"). Jadi terpaksalah putar otak agar adonan dasar tak terbuang percuma. Kebetulan sebelumnya sempat baca resep Putri Salju di milis NCC dan tanpa kacang! woh, kebetulan banget. Selain tidak ada kacang di rumah, aku juga lagi alergi kacang. Gampang diare bow... Cuma di milisnya NCC tidak pake margarin melainkan butter, which is, mahal boww... Hihihi...

Resep Dasar Putri Salju Tanpa Kacang Ekonomis Murah Meriah

1 butir kunir telur
200 gr margarin asin/ salted (aku biasa pake simas. Murah, haha)
200 gr terigu
50 gr maizena (optional, agar kastangel tidak gampang pecah--> aku ga pernah pake)

Bahan taburan:
gula halus secukupnya
gula dingin/gula donat secukupnya (optional,aku gak pake)

Cara membuat:
Kocok kuning telur dan margarin dengan speed rendah. Cukup aduk sebentar saja sampai adonan menyatu. Matikan mixer. Tuang tepung terigu (dan maizena jika kamu pakai) ke dalam adonan. Aduk rata dengan tangan.Tutup adonan dengan plastik. Masukkan ke kulkas. Diamkan sekitar 30 menit.
Cetak sesuai selera. Tata di loyang yang sudah dioles margarin. Atau bisa juga gunakan kertas roti di atas loyang, jadi loyang tidak kotor oleh lemaknya margarin.
Panaskan oven 180 derajat (kalau ovennya ga ada termometer, dikira-kira saja). Masukkan adonan yang sudah dicetak. Panggang selama 15-20 menit. Kalau warna kue sudah kuning tua dan bagian bawah sudah berwarna coklat muda, berarti kue sudah matang. Segera angkat. Pindahkan ke toples. Dalam kondisi hangat-hangat kuku, taburi dengan gula halus/kastor. Setelah dingin, taburi lagi dengan gula donat / kalau tidak ada, taburi gula halus aja.Tutup toples rapat-rapat agar kerenyahannya terjaga.
Selamat mencoba :D

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Resep Kue Kastangel Ekonomis Murah KEJU banget

Kastengel adalah kue wajib yang musti dihidangkan saat lebaran, hihi.
Resep ini sudah mulai saya praktekkan sejak SMP, kalau tidak salah resep ini aslinya modifikasi dari resepnya bu Sisca Soewitomo. Kata adik saya yang doyaaaaan banget kue ini, resep kastangel punyaku 'ngeju' banget. Padahal di adonan dasarnya sama sekali tidak ada keju lo... Dan juga tidak ada butter sama sekali disini. Bisa dibilang, ini adalah resep kastangel yang ekonomis abis... Kekurangannya cuma satu, terlalu ngeprul aka lumer di mulut, jadi jangan dibanting-banting yaaaa :D

Resep Kastangel Ekonomis

1 butir kunir telur
200 gr margarin asin/ salted (aku biasa pake simas. Murah, haha)
200 gr terigu
50 gr maizena (optional, agar kastangel tidak gampang pecah--> aku ga pernah pake)
50 gr keju parmesan (optional, agar rasanya semakin ngeju--> aku ga pernah pake)
50 gr keju cheddar parut (optional, agar rasanya semakin ngeju--> aku ga pernah pake)

Bahan taburan:
keju cheddar parut secukupnya

Bahan olesan:
Kuning telur kocok secukupnya (agar pemakaian kuning telur irit, aku biasa pake kuning telur+pewarna kuning tua/telur+air/minyak goreng secukupnya. Kocok rata)

Cara membuat:
Kocok kuning telur dan margarin dengan speed rendah. Cukup aduk sebentar saja sampai adonan menyatu. Matikan mixer. Tuang tepung terigu (dan maizena jika kamu pakai) ke dalam adonan. Aduk rata dengan tangan. Masukkan keju parmesan dan keju cheddar parut (jika kamu pakai). Ratakan.
Tutup adonan dengan plastik. Masukkan ke kulkas. Diamkan sekitar 30 menit.
Cetak sesuai selera. Oles dengan kuning telur dan taburi keju. Tata di loyang yang sudah dioles margarin. Atau bisa juga gunakan kertas roti di atas loyang, jadi loyang tidak kotor oleh lemaknya margarin.
Panaskan oven 180 derajat (kalau ovennya ga ada termometer, dikira-kira saja). Masukkan adonan yang sudah dicetak. Panggang selama 15-20 menit. Kalau warna kastangel sudah kuning kecoklatan dan bagian bawah sudah berwarna coklat muda, berarti kastangel sudah matang. Segera angkat dan dinginkan. Setelah dingin, simpan dalam toples. Tutup rapat agar kerenyahannya terjaga.
Selamat mencoba :D

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Resep Udang Rempah, Maknyuss

Kemarin iseng-iseng beli udang di pasar. Udangnya udang rebon, kuecil-kecil. Beli karena harganya murah. Lima ribu dapat semangkok penuh, hihihi.
Nah, pas nyampe rumah jadi bingung mo dibikin apa. Kalau udang besar mah tinggal digoreng aja ato dicampur tepung. Tapi kalau mini udang? masa mau dibikin petis? hahaha.
Akhirnya keinget ibuku yang biasa bikin udang campur kelapa. Rasanya rempah banget. Dan pas kutanya, ternyata namanya memang "Rempah".
Udang disini bisa diganti yang lain lo,, daging misalnya. Tinggal dicincang aja trus diaduk-aduk ke adonan en digoreng. Jadi deh...
Rasanya? Jangan tanya.. nendang banget. Ini resep kudapat dari bunda tercinta dan nampaknya sudah turun temurun. Mari dicoba :D

Udang Rempah

Udang 250 gr
Kelapa Parut (kelapanya pilih yang agak muda ya) 5 sdm
Telur 1 butir, kocok lepas
Garam secukupnya

Bumbu yang dihaluskan:
Cabe rawit 6 butir
Cabe merah 1 butir
Bawang putih 4 siung
Bawang merah 3 siung
Kunyit 1 cm
Kencur 1/2 cm
Ketumbar 1 sdm

Cara membuat:
Haluskan udang (kasar-kasar saja), masukkan ke dalam bumbu yang dihaluskan, aduk rata. Tuang kocokan telur, campur jadi satu. Tambahkan kelapa parut dan garam. Aduk lagi hingga benar-benar tercampur betul. Bentuk adonan dengan menggunakan sendok (seperti kalau membuat perkedel jagung). Goreng dalam minyak yang panas hingga coklat keemasan. Angkat.

Mudah bukan? Rasanya juga weeenak tenaaaannn

Monday, August 1, 2011

Brownies PennyLane: First Experience

Mwahahaa,,pingin ngakak pas nulis ini.
problemku tentang brownies sih biasanya satu (selama ini aq selalu bikin brownies kukus) : Ngembang pas dikukus, kempes pas dikeluarkan dari panci. Dan ini berlaku juga buat brownies yang aq bikin sekarang, yang terkenal ke seantero indo, hihihi..

Oke, langsung aja, simak resepnya:
-4 butir telur
-200 gr terigu (karena ga ada timbangan kue, aku pake kira-kira. 1 sdm=20 gr jadi 200 gr=8 sdm)
-200 gr gula (aslinya gulanya pake hampir 1/2 kg tapi karena aq lagi diet gula, ya dikurangi jadi separuhnya. Tetep manis kok menurutku)
-60 gr coklat bubuk (aq pake merk van houten)
-225 ml minyak goreng/sayur (aq pake kira-kira aja :D)

Cara membuat:
Kocok telur dan gula sampai tercampur betul (aq ngocoknya sampai super kentel dan putih malah), dengan kecepatan tinggi. Lalu turunin speednya hingga paling minimum, tuang terigu dan gulanya, biar tercampur sampai rata betul, baru setelah itu masukin minyak goreng, aduk hingga merata. Siapkan loyang (katanya sih ni resep bisa buat 2x untuk loyang ukuran 30x10 cm-->tapi aq pake loyang bundar diameter 30cm,ga ada lagi loyang laen :D). Panggang sampai matang. Katanya lagi, brownies udah cukup matang jika permukaannya udah merekah meskipun dalamnya masih basah (ini coklat+melting sugar). Dan sudah bisa ditebak, browniesq bantat. huahahaha...suami protes, kok bantat gini sih han? Trus aq googling, katanya brownies tuh aslinya emang roti yang bantat. Jadi percobaanq sukses dong? Hihihihi,

Next time, I'll try to make sponge cake. Mudah-mudahan gak bantat. Xixixii

Fotonya menyusul yah, hpq mati.. (udah diupload tu). btw, aq penasaran banget, gimana ibu-ibu bisa ngambil foto yang delicious gitu, aq kalo ambil foto dari angle manapun gak ada menarik-menariknya. Syalalala -____-"

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Resep Spaghetti Ayam Pedas

250 gr Spaghetti
200 gr daging ayam, potong dadu 2 x 2 cm
100 gr wortel, potong sesuai selera
100 gr baby kailan, potong-potong
6 buah cabe merah, haluskan
3 sdm kecap manis
5 siung bawang putih cincang
1 sdm kaldu ayam instan
1 sdm bawang merah goreng untuk taburan
½ sdt garam halus
3 sdm minyak goreng
1 sdm tepung maizena, larutkan dengan
150 ml air/kaldu ayam

Cara Membuat:
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih dan cabe merah hingga harum. Masukkan daging ayam, aduk hingga berubah warna.
2. Masukkan kecap manis, bumbu-bumbu, wortel dan kailan. Kentalkan dengan larutan air/kaldu dengan tepung maizena. Masak hingga saus agak mengental. Angkat.
3. Siapkan spaghetti di atas piring saji, siram dengan kuah ayam. hidangkan selagi panas dengan taburan bawang merah goreng. Sajikan segera.
Untuk 4 Porsi

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Resep Spaghetti Carbonara ala Pizza Hut


100g pancetta
50g pecorino cheese
50g Parmesan
3 large eggs
350g spaghetti (De Cecco is very good)
2 plump garlic cloves , peeled and left whole
50g unsalted butter
Maldon salt and freshly grated black pepper

Ultimate spaghetti carbonara

Put a large saucepan of water on to boil. Finely chop the pancetta, having first removed any rind. Finely grate both cheeses and mix them together. Beat the eggs in a medium bowl, season with a little freshly grated black pepper and set everything aside.
Add 1 tsp salt to the boiling water, add the spaghetti and when the water comes back to the boil, cook at a constant simmer, covered, for 10 minutes or until al dente (just cooked).
Squash the garlic with the blade of a knife, just to bruise it. While the spaghetti is cooking, fry the pancetta with the garlic. Drop the butter into a large wide frying pan or wok and, as soon as the butter has melted, tip in the pancetta and garlic. Leave these to cook on a medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring often, until the pancetta is golden and crisp. The garlic has now imparted its flavour, so take it out with a slotted spoon and discard.
Keep the heat under the pancetta on low.When the pasta is ready lift it from the water with a pasta fork or tongs and put it in the frying pan with the pancetta (see left). Don't worry if a little water drops in the pan as well (you want this to happen) and don't throw the rest of the pasta water away yet.
Mix most of the cheese in with the eggs, keeping a small handful back for sprinkling over later. Take the pan of spaghetti and pancetta off the heat. Now quickly pour in the eggs and cheese and, using the tongs or a long fork, lift up the spaghetti so it mixes easily with the egg mixture, which thickens but doesn't scramble, and everything is coated. Add extra pasta cooking water to keep it saucy (several tablespoons should do it). You don't want it wet, just moist. Season with a little salt, if needed.
Use a long-pronged fork to twist the pasta on to the serving plate or bowl. Serve immediately with a little sprinkling of the remaining cheese and a grating of black pepper. If the dish does get a little dry before serving, splash in some more hot pasta water and the glossy sauciness will be revived.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Resep Pennylane Brownies Paling ENak Gampang

This recipe is so popular in Indonesia. Pennylane brownies is crunchy and yummy. The outer slice also shinny and when you use knife to cut it off,, the chocolate inside would be melting. Very recommended brownies recipe for everyone!!!!


4 butir telur
2 cup gula pasir (untuk yg gak suka manis, biasanya aku kurangin jadi 1 1/2 atau 1 3/4)
1 cup minyak goreng (pake minyak tidak jenuh supaya sehat. i.e. minyak canola, minyak kedelai, etc. Tapi pake minyak goreng biasa juga gpp kok)
3/4 cup bubuk coklat
1 1/2 cup tepung terigu
1 sdt garam
2 sdt vanili
cincangan kacang tanah Cara Membuat :
  1. Telur dikocok sampai mengembang.
  2. Masukkan gula sambil dikocok terus. Masukkan bahan-bahan lainnya, aduk perlahan-lahan sampai tercampur.
  3. Olesi loyang dengan mentega, panaskan oven 180 derajat celcius.
  4. Tuang adonan ke loyang, panggang +/- 35 menit. Test dengan tusuk gigi/lidi yang bersih.
  5. Dinginkan sebelum dikeluarkan dari loyang dan dipotong-potong.
Note: For best result, please put the brownies in the absolutely 'hot' oven, to get the shinny look of your brownies. Also remember to put the recipe in the brass (loyang), with maximum height 4cm so your brownies will be well-cooked. This recipe is for 2 brass with 30x10 cm size. Enjoy!!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Resep PUff Pastry Part 3

Shortcrust pastry is made with twice the amount of flour to fat and the texture of the pastry largely depends on which type of fat is used and how it is integrated into the flour.

A good pastry requires very little handling indeed, which sometimes can be quite tricky.

Below is some helpful information about the ingredients and techniques used to make a "perfect" shortcrust pastry, followed by a simple recipe.

The first item you will need to make a shortcrust pastry is flour. This flour will always be a soft plain flour ideal for cakes and pastries, rather than the stronger type of flour used to make bread. Do not use really old flour; the best results are obtained with a fairly fresh batch of plain flour.

Although shourtcrust pastry does not rise during baking, it is imperative that lots of air is incorporated into the pastry dough, so that the pastry is kept light.

One of the most important factors is to keep all ingredients as cold as possible, therefore if you live in a particularly warm country or are working in a warm kitchen, it may be an idea to place the flour and bowl in the refrigerator for 10 - 15 minutes before starting.

To make the pastry, start of by sifting the flour and a pinch of salt into a large bowl. Hold the sieve as high as possible over the bowl when sifting the flour, to incorporate as much air as you can.

Shortening (fat)
Usually an equal amount of butter and lard is used to make shortcrust pastry. The butter gives the pastry a deliciously rich flavour, whilst the lard is used for optimum texture. The amount of fat should be half that of the flour.

Whichever type of fat you use, it should be cold, but not too cold so that it is impossible to rub into the flour. On the other hand, if the fat is too soft and warm, it will begin to melt and become oily, which will result in a pastry that does not stay intact when it is being rolled out. The fat may become warm from taking too long to rub it into the flour, which could also happen if the fat is too cold. For the best pastry results, you have to work quickly and therefore the temperature of the fat must be taken into consideration.

The second stage of pastry making is to add the fat to the flour and salt. For shortcrust pastry particularly, the fat must be cut into small pieces and added to the flour.

Then, using a knife or even better, a pastry blender (see introduction to pastry), cut the fat into even smaller pieces with the flour until the mixture looks fairly even and all the fat has been coated. Finish off by quickly and lightly rubbing the fat into the flour with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs, lifting the mixture as high as possible and letting it fall into the bowl, to incorporate even more air. If the mixture starts to warm up or the fat becomes oily, place it in the fridge for the necessary amount of time to cool the ingredients down a bit.

Adding the liquid
For shortcrust pastry you will always be required to use water rather than any other type of liquid. Ensure that the water is chilled beforehand and remember that only a small amount of water, a few tablespoons, is required.

Once your flour and fat mixture resembles breadcrumbs, begin by evenly sprinkling one or two tablespoons of water over the flour mixture. If a mistake is made and too much water is added, this will turn the pastry into a sticky mess, making it almost impossible to roll out. However, if not enough water is added, the baked pastry will crumble and fall to pieces.

Once the liquid has been added, the mixture needs to be brought together to form a dough. The best method is by using a knife rather than your fingers to start with, as the pastry should be handled very little.

Work the knife using cutting and stirring motions, and the mixture should start to come together. Finish off by pressing the ingredients together with your fingers, adding more water if necessary, until the bowl has been completely cleaned and a nice and smooth ball of dough has been formed.

Resting the pastry
It is really important to give the pastry a rest before rolling it out, so that the gluten in the flour has enough time to react with the water and gain elasticity, which will make rolling the pastry out that much easier.

Wrap the pasty dough ball in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for a minimum of 30 minutes.

If you are not going to use the pastry immediately, it can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Rolling the pastry
When you remove the pastry from the refrigerator, let it stand for a while to bring it back up to room temperature before rolling, so that it softens up and is more manageable.

Make sure that the surface on which you are going to roll out the pastry dough is clean and dry. Lightly dust the surface with flour and do the same with the rolling pin.

Roll the pastry out to the desired thickness and shape for the recipe that you are following.
Recipe for shortcrust pastry (for a 9 inch pastry case)

8 oz (225g) of plain flour
4 oz (115g) of butter or 2 oz (55g) each of butter and lard
3 - 4 tbsp of ice cold water
pinch of salt


Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl, lifting the sieve high above the bowl.
Cut the chilled fat into small pieces and add to the flour.
Using a knife, cut the butter and work it into the flour.
Use your fingertips to rub the fat into the flour until a breadcrumb like mixture is obtained.
Sprinkle the water, 1 tbsp at a time, evenly over the flour and fat mixture.
Begin to bind all of the ingredients together using a round-bladed knife.
As the mixture starts to come together, finish off by using your hands, until all the mixture has been incorporated and a round ball of dough has been formed.
Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Remove the dough from the fridge, allow to warm up and knead gently on a lightly floured clean surface.
Roll out to desired thickness.

Two-crust pie
To make a two-crust pie, as opposed to a pie with just a pastry base, the proportions of the ingredients must be increased by 50%. This is due to the fact that the pastry dough must be divided into two pieces and therefore more pastry is required. The first piece is rolled out and used to line the base of the pastry tin, the filling is added, and the second piece of pastry is then placed over the top of the filling, like a lid.

Therefore, for a 9 inch pastry case, you will need 12 oz (340 g) of plain flour, 6 oz (170 g) of fat, 5 - 6 tbsp of iced water and ½ tsp of salt.

Rich shortcrust pastry
This is basically the same as shortcrust pastry but it is richer in flavour and crumblier in texture, due to the higher amount of fat used. To make a sweetcrust pastry to be used for sweet pies or tarts, add 1 oz (30 g) of caster sugar to the ingredients below.

For a 9 inch pastry case made from rich shortcrust pastry, you will need: 8 oz (225 g) plain flour, 6 oz (170 g) butter, 2 - 3 tbsp of water, 1 egg yolk and a pinch of salt. For a two-crust pie, increase the proportions by 50% as above.